Community Connections

Community Connection Notices

The Community Connection airs every hour, 24/7 after the News & Weather at the top of the hour on 91.3 FM Bluewater Radio. The Community Connection is open to all Non Profit and charitable organizations to promote their events in the community at no charge. If you include a poster for the event, we are also able to display it in the Radio Station front window.

Community Announcements should be received at least 3 weeks prior to the event date, and must include a contact phone number.

The Community Connections are recorded once per week, then aired on rotation 24/7 for approx. 10 days leading up to the event.

E-mail Community Connections to:   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Germania Mutual
Grey Bruce Brick

Maple Court Retirement
Member Station
Holly Yvonne Designs

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